Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Etsy Shop Information Time!

Ashleigh here,
     Hey y'all! Long time no see! I can explain though, I had a science fair project that I COULD NOT GET TO WORK!! I must have spent hours trying to get this project to work; but I did, eventually... I'm not gonna go into too many details, It'll just bring back memories of my past failures...*shudder*.

     On a happier note, I finally got a lot of work done for my Etsy shop! Whoop! I made a few sheets on the computer to fill in with information about the products that I'm going to sell. My goal was to open up the shop by the end of this month, but I'm thinking that it'll be more like the middle of March by the time that I finish making things. A few of the things that I'll be selling are crocheted turtles in two sizes, baby bonnets, and other stuff that I'm not really sure about yet. You'll see when I open up shop :)

Well, I guess that's it for now...

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